

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about placement, your 职业生涯 and Academic Profile, career goals and 更多的?

We have collected the most asked questions from our students and answered them here.  If you have questions about AB705, we have a 常见问题解答 just for that! Click Here for AB705 常见问题解答.

Placement 常见问题解答

You will receive your placement recommendations at the conclusion of completing the 职业生涯 and Academic Profile.

With AB705, all incoming students have access to transfer level 课程 in 英语 和数学. The 职业生涯 and Academic Profile tool will provide recommendations according to previous high school or college 课程 taken, the grades received in those 课程, the pathway chosen and your educational goals.

You are not required to take the 课程 recommended in the 帽 tool but it is recommended you speak with a counselor to see if a different 英语 or math course is appropriate 为你.

No, you will not need to take a test. You will complete the 职业生涯 and Academic Profile tool instead.

职业生涯 and Academic Profile 常见问题解答

Have an unofficial copy of your high school and/or college transcript(s), so you can accurately report the 英语 和数学 课程 and grades your received.

All students need to identify a program of study and educational goal before registering 类的. If you are unsure, select the program and goal that most closely matches your academic interests. Don't worry, you can change your program of study and educational goals at any point in the future, though it is recommended you speak to a counselor before doing so.

All students have access transfer 英语 和数学 课程. If you don't have access to high school or college transcripts, a guided self-placement process will ask you a few questions about your academic history and you will receive a placement recommendation into transfer level 英语 和数学 课程.

Student will be able to access their Profile and placement messages via their Butte email account. We recommend that you print or save a copy of your placement prior to exiting out of the 帽 tool and browser, so you have a copy of your results to meet with a counselor.



职业生涯 Center

Main Campus SAS258
3536 Butte Campus Drive
Oroville, CA 95965


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职业生涯 Center Hours

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

8:00 a.m. -中午12时

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Content Editor:
Brian Donnelly